English Thinking in English: English for a Day 表現:The Korea times Headline news

English Thinking in English: English for a Day 表現:The Korea times Headline news<June 19,2023>English Thinking in English: English for a Day 表現:The Korea times Headline news<June 19,2023>Hector Villarreal GM Korea General Motors (GM) has appointed a marketing expert for the Mexican division as the president of GM Korea. Hector Villarreal, currently vice president of car sales, offers services···Hector Villarreal GM Korea General Motors (GM) has appointed a marketing expert for the Mexican division as the president of GM Korea. Hector Villarreal, currently vice president of car sales, offers services···The increase in household debt raises concerns about massive defaults.Loans offered to households by banks are rising again, raising concerns that such increases will increase the risk of default when payments are suspended···height ‧en /ˈha ɪ tn/ ●○○ 動詞 [intr ansitive, transitive]If anything, the situation is stronger and effect, the situation, it is strong, if the situation is strong and the situation, → become strongThe march is likely to increase the tension between races.The increase in fat level of fat is likely to increase the risk of cancer (a Webody)This incident has increased awareness of sexual harassment for sexual harassment.fuel2 ●○○The verb ( true, English as fuel, English as fuel, and fuel, and the U.S. English is especially important.His words were more angry.The fuel speculation/ rumors/ controversy set up the fuel, which is not finished, and the fuel to the fuel.It is better to replenish fuel in the next town.The car was supplied and waited for the ground parking lot.de‧fault1 /d ɪˈf ɔː lt $ -ˈf ɒːlt/●○○ nus 2 [not calculation, impossible]The company that does not pay money in the appropriate timing, which you don’t pay money.If default payloads default, the bank can be pressed, the bank can be pressed.It’s a risk of default debt by obligorde‧fault1 /d ɪˈf ɔː lt $ -ˈf ɒː lt/ ●○○ nonus 2 [countable, uncountable] By default, companies that do not pay the money you owe at the right time are the default. Default in payment defaults allow banks to seize assets. It’s the risk of default by the debtorThe Korean Film Commission criticized the poor management. The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism publicly criticized the poor management of the Korean Film Council (KOFIC) and warned that it would no longer tolerate the activities of state-run film organizations in ···The Korean Film Commission criticized the poor management. The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism publicly criticized the poor management of the Korean Film Council (KOFIC) and warned that it would no longer tolerate the activities of state-run film organizations in ···The lax /l æks/adjectives are not strict or sufficiently careful about standards such as behavior, work, and safety.The company is lax in carrying out its duties. The security is looseSouth Korean Special Forces Participate in U.N. Peacekeeping Operations in MongoliaThe South Korean Army’s Special Warfare Command said Monday that it is participating in multinational U.N. peacekeeping operations in Mongolia to strengthen their combined operational capabilities···war ‧fare / ˈw ɔː fe ə $ ˈ w ɔː rfer / ●○○ nun [uncountable]a battle activity-especially in battle between war, especially in the war trench/jungry and Germany, such as modern war chemical/or Germany, such as modern war chemical/m,The forest, the war is often seen in war or controversy over the war, often, often watch violence between drugs and gang war problemswar ‧fare / ˈw ɔː fe ə $ ˈ w ɔː rfer / ●○○ nun [uncountable] 1 Used to talk about the activities of combat in a war, especially in modern warfare chemistry/nuclear power/war trench in Germany/jungle/mountain, and other specific ways of fighting the reality of war guerrilla warfare (=fight by a small group of combatants in the mountains, forests, etc.) ►, in war Saul sees ongoing and often violent struggles or disputes between different groups fighting drug and gang war problemsDaesang, Korea’s leading kimchi maker, has announced that it has expanded its kimchi business by acquiring U.S. food company Lucky Foods.‧acquire / əˈ kwa ɪə $ əˈ kwa ɪ r/ ●●○ W2 AWL動詞 [transitive]You can purchase or purchase one form or purchase something by purchasing or purchase.Magasaki wanted to obtain a value of art works as possible.The meeting was using compulsory order to obtain land.► The college of the University of the Sus, which has gained a reputation in the high standards.Sign upIn everyday English, people usually say they get it instead of getting it: where did you get that tie?He soon gained a reputation for unkindness.In order to gain knowledge or to learn skills, he spent years acquiring skills as a surgeon. Elsie gained a good knowledge of Chinese.► If you get the Thesaurus, you’ll seeRussia is refusing U.N. aid.Kahovkadam’s destruction death toll rises, and world agencies on Sunday rejected a U.N. proposal by Moscow to help flood-affected residents from the devastated Kahovkadam, leading to higher deaths and sewage···break2 ●○○ a verb that breaks a law or rule or agreement [transitive] 1 The SYN break company accused him of violating the contract. 2 A storm broke the sea wall in two places to break through a hole in the wall to protect the placefilth ‧ y1 / ˈf ɪ l θ i / ●●○ S3形容詞 (compar 形容詞 filthier, superlative filthest)It was a very dirty house.The clothes and newspapers were scattered around.► Virtualization of the two sus is very rude or unpleasant ways to show sexual behavior or something that you are dirty language/j Tokeno.(3) The quality of anger or discomfort, Simon was drunk, and Simon was drunk and irritating.She saw him in a dirty eyes.On Sunday, the Israeli government gave the settler minister control over the Israeli government’s plans to settle the West Bank, gave him brand rights to protect the settlers, and lifted the red tape on the settlement’s approval process.fire ‧ brand / ˈ fa ɪəbrnd $ ˈ fa ɪ r- / noun [countable] It upsets people about laws, governments, and so on, and tries to change it from a valley to an ideal young firebrand.”set ‧tlement / ˈ setlm ənt/ ●●○ W3 non 1 OFFICIAL AGREement [可算]We will meet the agreement, dispute, dispute, dispute, and the company’s boss will meet the agreement or agreement, or agreement.His lawyer is understood that he is negotiated with settlement.The hope that the possible peacekeeping is to achieveable peacekeeping.Resolution of North Ireland dispute resolution for peace resolutionShe got her house as part of divorce.The company paid more than 10,000 dollars in court.(2) Wyatt is official payment when you pay all money to pay all money to pay all debt.3 GOSSES [ countable] People living in particulars, especially before the railway station is created, especially before creating new village.The first iron time of the first iron device, especially when the first iron device is not counted in West 5 Thin King, and the bottom of the United States, which is not counted in the bottom of the groundThe author of “Life of Pie” celebrated the 60th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Canada and South Korea and the 30th anniversary of his literary debut by visiting South Korea to commemorate the two milestones.raid1 /kr ːft/●●○ W3 noun 1 (plural traffic) [plural traffic)It’s a job and activities,And usually, traditional rural crafts and crafts of technology is necessary to do it 2 (plural craft) [countable] a) Small boat b)aircraft or Spacecraft 3 [single]The musician formally established technology to complete a specific job, and the musician will complete his craft.4 [No count]a skill of deceiving peopleThe skill and shifty was required to functionality.BANK FOR IMPROVING SERVICE FOR VISUALLY HANDICAPPED PERSON The visually impaired will be able to do their own banking at major regional banks by the end of next month. So far, banks have typically asked these customers to accompany them···‧ Failure/ ˈm ˈd$ – əd/ adjective, and emotional failure/healing/hearsing/heard or mental failure (=) vi ‧ su ‧ly / ˈvvu əli/●○○ AW Ladverb1 instance checkairs must be comfortable as well as well as well as well.(2) → visual failure may not see the visual failure – Especially when I want to do this state → blind in the way including eyes(3) When you are visually prove, the process is easy to understand.Gov’t isn’t expanding its move to block the resurfacing of illegal streaming sites. The government is stepping up its crackdown on Nuneu TV, which illegally provides content from domestic video streaming services such as wave and teaching, by block···re‧sur ‧face /ˌri ːˈf ɪs $ -ɜː r-/ verb 1 [intransitive]After lost or lost or lost.One of the missing painting was suddenly restarted.► If the idea or problems are again, the tension of the Nationalism is important to be again.Temporary tax cuts could end amid growing fiscal revenue shortfallsThe government is considering ending a series of special tax cuts as fiscal revenues fall rapidly, making it difficult to revive the sluggish economy and improve living conditions···Temporary tax cuts could end amid growing fiscal revenue shortfallsThe government is considering ending a series of special tax cuts as fiscal revenues fall rapidly, making it difficult to revive the sluggish economy and improve living conditions···Temporary tax cuts could end amid growing fiscal revenue shortfallsThe government is considering ending a series of special tax cuts as fiscal revenues fall rapidly, making it difficult to revive the sluggish economy and improve living conditions···